Friday, August 7, 2009

Why a blog? Why Now?

What's worse than talking on the phone? Retelling the same story to everyone you talk to! And since I have about 15 minutes to myself each day, I do not want to spend them on the phone. I need these precious minutes to shower, clean, eat, or take a nap. So, hopefully with this blog I can keep people updated on Jaiders, while leaving the phone out of the equation. (Can you tell I HATE talking on the phone)!
How will I have time to blog if I don't have time to spend on the phone you may ask?? Simple..... When you have a child who will only take naps while laying on you, you find yourself looking up all kinds of things on the internet that you never imagined. (Don't freak- her naps usually only last about 15 minutes). So, instead of learning about the mysteries behind the many colors of our poop, I have decided to blog. Who knows, blogging may be therapeutic for me. BTW- Talking on the phone is out during nap time, as my little girl is the lightest sleeper in the world.