Sunday, August 9, 2009

2nd Day After 2nd Eye Surgery.....

What a trooper! 2 days after surgery…… So far, all is well. We went back to her ophthalmologist again this morning and he said that our little Jaiders looks good. Her right eye is really bloody in the iris area, but the dr. said that was completely normal. She is extra fussy after surgery. You can tell that she does not feel good at all. She doesn’t sleep much, and thus, mom doesn’t sleep much. Sometimes she just cries and cries and cries. I am slightly worried that my little, happy girl will disappear. She was just starting to smile and giggle a lot. She has also just started making a lot more baby noises lately. They are soooo adorable, but I am worried that she will regress in this area because she is so sad and in pain all of the time. I think her meds make her extra groggy and cranky too. The dr. told us to wash our hands after we give her one of her eye drops. He said if we didn’t and the drops got in our eyes, we’d be on our way to the emergency room with the worst migraine of our lives. I can’t believe I am giving something like that to my little baby. It is a necessary med though. It constricts her pupil so that her pupil does not grow into the area where they cut in her eye. If we didn’t give her these drops, her pupil would become deformed and misshaped. Also, her oral Rx med makes her really groggy and out of it. It has side effects of blurred vision, drowsiness, and nausea. Too bad the drowsiness doesn't knock her out! No wonder my little angel is in tears all of the time.

She has another eye surgery this Thursday. They will probably be doing a goniotomy on her right eye.