Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Little Scare......

Earlier today I was making some toast when I noticed blood on my shoulder! I looked over at Jaidin and she had dark, thick blood coming out of her right eye. I about died! Bloody tears are normal, but this was fresh, dark blood. Her doc wanted me to bring her in, so we were off once again to primary childrens. When I put Jaiders in her carseat, more blood started coming out! I was soooo nervous! My little baby!!
Well, the doc couldn't get a very good look in her eye, Jaidin is SUCH a fighter! She clamps her eyes shut so tight and squirms all over the place; all the while screaming and crying. It is virtually impossible to get a good look inside of her eyes. Anyhoo, the doc is worried that the valve may have slipped or that something else might be going on, so he wants to take a look at her under anesthesia tomorrow. I guess it will be a little investigative "surgery". She is scheduled for 5 p.m. tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that nothing is wrong. The doc said that blood coming out of the eye is never a good thing. Hopefully this was just some fluke incident and NOTHING is wrong.