Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My own operation on jaiders.....

This is not for the faint at heart.... If you are grossed out by the pic, then don't read this!!!
This picture does not do her fingernails justice. They are getting really infected, and the infection is getting lower and lower on the nail (and thus harder to get to). The brown area is more black than the pic shows. The yellow area is puss under her nail! And, the rest of her nail is getting all wrinkly. So, yesterday, I got a needle and began drilling holes into her nail to let the puss out. It was SOOO scary! This little girl does not do well at holding any part of her body still. The more I try to hold her down, the harder she fights.....
Well, as soon as the needle broke through the nail, puss just started oozing out. If it hadn't been my little baby's nail, I would have thought it was pretty cool to see.
But, the puss only came out of the area right where the tiny hole was. The rest of the nail was still full of puss. I tried to squeeze her nail to make more puss come out, but it just made her cry. So, I was forced to drill more holes into her nail. I've done this little operation once before, so I wasn't as nervous as I was the first time, but I was still very shaky. Anyway, a bit more puss came out, but there is still more down there, and it seems to get worse every day.

I don't want her nail to die! Someone help me! I need ideas and solutions! Her dr.'s are worthless (with this issue)! Her pediatrician told me that maybe if I left it alone it would go away. (Not so, like I said, it is getting worse everyday). He gave me an anti-fungal cream, but, it doesn't seem to do anything. Her hand surgeon who has seen 1,000s of patients with syndactyly has never seen anything like it. He just told me to keep doing what ever I am doing. (Clearly NOT working!!!!) I even tried to google "syndactyly" & "nail infections" and "puss" and a bunch of other random words. ........Nothing! She can't be the only person in the world with syndactyly who has gotten a nail infection!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????