Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yes, it's been awhile....

Some lady really pissed me off.... So I lost interest in blogging for awhile. Long story, and probably uninteresting to most of you.


Jaidin had her 8th eye procedure 2 weeks ago. The pressure in her left eye dropped a few meters, so for now, we are going to hold off on switching out the valves. She will go back in for another evaluation in about 1 1/2 weeks.

In bigger news............ Jaidin got her pinky fingers separated today!!!! We were soooooooooooooo nervous for this surgery, but it is over with now and we can sigh from relief! It has been one heck of a long day, and I know I should be sleeping right now, but of course I can't. The doc said that the bones in Jaidin's fingers were pretty fused together so he had to separate them out the best he could. She doesn't have all of her finger bones either, so he basically had to guess what went where (from the fused bones). He took a skin graft from Jaider's upper arm and sewed up her pinkys with that. The doc said he doesn't know if Jaiders has tendons or nerves in her pinkis and that she might not ever have use of them. He also said that her pinkys won't be very cosmetically appealing (i.e. scarred, bent, mishappen, etc...) But, we are nonetheless very happy to report that our little baby is doing great and that she finally has pinky fingers!!!! The doc put a screw in each pinky finger to hold it straight and bandaged her up--- all the way to her elbows (luckily it's a soft cast)! So it's sponge baths for a month and then (yes, that quickly) we get to take the casts off!! I can't wait to see my little baby with pinkys!!! What a weird thing to be so excited for!!

OK, I need to go and take advantage of my passed out child. She is still "out" from the anesthesia. (She was under for a little over 4 hours, so it should be in her system for awhile).

THANK YOU to everyone for all the prayers and support! Those prayers not only help out our little one, but they are a huge help to her parents too! They bring us such strength, comfort, and love. THANK YOU!!

(and a HUGE, SPECIAL THANKS TO AUNT COREY!!!! She has been overseas, fasting for our little Jaiders!) Thank you Corey! We love you!!