Thursday, September 17, 2009

Woe is the Sun

I thought I found a solution to our little sun problem. If you don't know, Jaidin HATES the sun. It's too bright for her and her poor little eyes just flow with tears the second the sun hits her. She will burrow her head into my shoulder and squeeze her eyes shut as tight as she can whenever we go outside. We think the sun actually hurts her eyes because (sometimes) after a few seconds of exposure, she will start screaming uncontrollably and squirming all over the place. There have even been a few occasions where it has taken over an hour just to calm her down after a dip in the sun. So, needless to say, Jaiders and I spend our days safely away from the sun (indoors). I also think this is part of the reason Jaidin screams so hard whenever we go anywhere in the car. Not because of the sun, but because of the fact that we have to completely cover her up while she's in her car seat to protect her from the sun. (so yeah, I guess it is b/c of the sun). Anyhoo, I think it scares her and bothers her to be sitting all alone in her little, enclosed, dark cocoon.

Well.... after much research, I thought I found the perfect solution. Baby sunglasses! (the research was mostly in finding exactly the right kind). I knew it was a risky move, but I was desperate. We get really cooped up being inside ALL day, EVERY day. And waiting until 8:30 pm just to go outside is getting old.... Especially since it's dark come 9 pm!! So.... I invested in a pair of these baby sunglasses. Well, as I am sure most of you have guessed, little Jaider-bug does NOT like them at all! I think you'll see me making snow angels in a bikini (make that Jason!!) before you see Jaiders sportin' her new shades!! But I'm not giving up! I will make daily attempts to get these glasses on her face (and have her loving them too)!!