Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby turns 1!!

Jaidin turned 1 on May 23. We had 2 little celebrations for her. One celebration was the day before her casts were put on (a few days before her actual b-day). I wanted her to have a chance to tear into a cake and go to town with it. So we made her a cake, sang to her, and let her go to town! She was in heaven! The cake was EVERYWHERE but she had a blast! Thanks to Corey for cleaning up the kitchen while I was cleaning up Jaidin! What a MESS it was!
The 2nd celebration was on Jaidin's actual birthday. Grandma & Grandpa Summers and Tyler & Emily's family came over to help us celebrate. They brought a yummy cake and some adorable presents for Jaiders. I can't believe my baby is 1! Everyone always says that; and that time just flew by. Well, not here! This last year has honestly felt like 2 years! It has been a long one! But we have had some wonderfully, amazing times and we love our baby to death!

We were singing happy birthday to her and she was so confused! She had no idea what was going on! It was hilarious!


Opening some presents!

Enjoying some delicious cake!

Hanging with the cousins!