Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fun at the park!

It was finally warm enough for us to get outdoors! AND, guess who can handle the sun like a champ now?!?! No more avoiding the sun like the plague for us! Jaidin had the time of her life swinging and watching the hundreds of other kids that were running around.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Cutest Girl Ever!

Baby totally relaxing. Gotta love the hands behind the head pose!

Swimming time!

I LOVE this pic because Jaider's face is sooo cute in it, and her little 'teethies' are showing!

Easter in Idaho! Coloring eggs with the fam!

Me with baby! (obviously)

More Easter egg fun!

Jaiders before surgery. Ripping up the exam room paper again!

With daddy in pre-op.

A special thanks to Corey for bringing me that lovely soda. mmmmmmmmm......

In post-op with baby. She was miserable. Poor thing.

My sweet, sweet widdle girl. She's such a trooper.

With aunt Corey. She's the best!! I love Jaider's face in this pic too. She wasn't very happy to be awake! If you look close, you can tell by her eyebrows that she's pissed off!

Jaidin is getting sooo big! She is sooo fun too! It is crazy how smart these little devils can be! We went to Idaho for Easter and stayed with Josh and Kristin. It was so fun!! After having my mom and Derek visit and then going to Idaho, I realize how boring my life is (now that all the excitement is gone). But I am so glad we got to hang out!

Jaidin had 2 surgeries on Monday. She had an adenoidectomy and a tympanostomy (tubes placed in her ears). She amazes me more and more every day. I was dreading the days after surgery (the recovery period is never fun). Surprisingly, little Jaiders has done pretty well. She's been a little cranky and fussy, but, I would be too if I'd just had surgery! She has however, been extremely needy. She wants me to hold her every second of the day. I can usually distract her with toys and such, but not these last few days. I guess if she needs her mommy a little more than usual after surgery, that's not too much to ask.

Her surgery was scheduled for noon and apparently her doctor had an emergency procedure come up, so we kept getting bumped. (which I understand, I would want them to get my baby in asap if she needed an emergency surgery). But, nonetheless, it didn't make things any easier. Poor Jaidin was starving. It was all we could do to distract her and keep her happy for an additional 3 hours beyond what we had expected. She had already gone so many hours with no food and this little one is used to getting the boob on demand. Poor thing. She really did a lot better than I expected though. Every time they kept telling us 1 more hour, I didn't know how we were going to make it. But she pulled through!

When it was all said and done, aunt Corey came to visit us! We are so lucky to have an aunt like Corey that spoils us with her presence! Thanks for being there to support us Corey! You're the bomb! And thanks for that delicious soda! mmmmm....