Thursday, December 17, 2009

I disabled comments....

Who knows, I might enable them again..... But for now, I am turning them off.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Turkey & Blessings......

I wrote this post a few weeks ago and I just barely got around to adding the pics, so it's a little old!

We spent turkey day in I.F. & Rexburg. Part of the time we were with my family at Josh and Kristin's house, and part of the time we were with Jason's family at his parent's house. It was a BLAST seeing everyone! I LOVE family time!!

Also, little Jaider's got blessed! She looked so precious on her special day! She was such a good girl during the whole event! It was so great having so many family members with us to share that wonderful moment in time! (I KNOW- totally cheesy sounding)!!

We are also pleased to announce that little Jaider's has movement and usage of BOTH of her pinkys!!! This was something we were very worried about and she is doing great! Her pinkys are quite stiff, but we are working them out and exercising them as much as we can. She is doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah, except..... she is sick with her first fever/cold. My mom always said there is nothing worse than a sick baby and guess what?? She is right. These last 2 nights and days have been hell! I feel like a zombie. Last night was spent at a 90` angle in a rocking chair b/c that is the only way my little baby could breathe. Poor thing. Good thing babies are sooo freaking adorable because they get away with murder! It might be because my baby has her mommy wrapped around her little finger too!